The Tag

The Tag

February 1, 2007

The Longest Day Ever part 2

Since hardly anything was open in Brisbane when we landed, Sara drove us straight to Steins place to unload our gear and let us check out DUT'07 Head Quarters. The drive from the airport was about 20 minutes and was kind of surreal;

  • The fact that it was Monday morning kept popping in to our heads even though our brain said it was late Saturday

  • We constantly felt we were about to crash since they drive on the wrong side of the street

  • The humidity, temperature and vegetation were a bit overwhelming compared to what we left earlier in the "day"

  • HQ's welcoming committee consisted of one big ugly spider......

After getting acquainted with our new surroundings, we went down town to buy some necessities: boardies (swimwear), thongs (slippers), sunnies (shades), hats, sunscreen (SPF 30), groceries, liquor and beer. Brisbane is a beautiful city (like a smaller version of Chicago, but in a tropical climate) but since our internal clock was a bit messed up, we didn’t get to appreciate it fully until the next day (more on this later). However, after securing some consumable liquids our morale was on the rise. We headed back to the HQ, had a dip in the pool and started to prepare our first Aussie barbeque. Naturally, the menu consisted of kangaroo. Steins kangaroo mince was converted into some delicious burgers which we washed down with some XXXX Bitters (our favourite local brew thus far!). When the barbie was over, the clock had somehow gotten close to midnight and it was time to check out the Aussie night life. Even though Brisbane’s population is the same as the population of Norway, it turns out that Monday is one day of the week no one goes out! Not that the rest of the weekdays are anything special either. The night life is surprisingly dull for a city with such a populace. Anyways, The Down Under Bar came to the rescue. There’s a backpacker in the floors above, so this is the one place you can rely on to be open and be fairly crowded any day of the week. We pounded down some Bundy (Bundaberg Rum) and Coke and had a really good time. Fyken, Casper and Sara went home around 2am, while Peter, The Village Idiot and I stuck it out til they closed around 3am. When we came back to HQ we basically collapsed on the mattresses our host provided for us. Thus our 60 hour “Saturday” came to an end…


Unknown said...

Ingen ting er så godt som å kommer på jobb å lese om den gode reisen dere. Håper dere fester hardt og opplever masse fete ting. Ta masse bilder ( for de som har husket å ta med kamera ).

Mr Man said...

Her på TeleComputing Kooser vi oss sammen med Visma, paperless og Pengvin! Vi får inn nye saker hver dag....hva er ikke bedre enn det??

Anonymous said...


I'm surprised you're still alive after seeing that spider!! It looks 100 times bigger than any spider you can find in Norway, and after watching your reaction when meeting one of those, I can only imagine how it was like, meeting your new Aussie roomy...


Anonymous said...

Dæsilen smette - det var karar som budde standsmessig. Artig å fylgje med "dikkon" på turen på denne måten. B og A les og. Kos "dikkon".
Helsing frå Vinje

Anonymous said...

Gode ting! Keep it coming. For resten av dere unlucky bastards som sitter å glor i apps-konsollet. Back to work!